Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
(IEC) aims to enable individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities to play active roles in achieving, protecting and sustaining their own health.
- To motivate behaviour change among vulnerable Population/ HRGs/ Bridge Population
- Raise awareness about risk perceptions and need for BCC among vulnerable and general population especially youth and women
- Generate demand and facilitate an increase in utilization of HIV/AIDS related health services
- Create an enabling environment that encourage HIV related prevention, care & support activities and reduces stigma and discrimination in the society
Youth Intervention Programme
The young population (15-29 years) is the most vulnerable population who may be exposed to HIV infection, and as a result they may account for a large portion of the infected persons.The targeted young population, with its specific psychological and socialattributes is more susceptible to sexual curiosity and behavior that in turn makes them particularly vulnerable to HIV infection.
Red Ribbon Clubs Programme
Red Ribbon Clubs programme is running in 700 Colleges of the state in collaboration with Department of Youth Services, Punjab.
- To encouraged youth to learn about safe and healthy lifestyle.
- To promote and channelize, access to information on HIV/AIDS, further educating them about Voluntary Blood Donation and safe sexual behaviors.
- Red Ribbon Clubs also aim to enable the targeted Youth to become more conscious and conscience about HIV/AIDS and related issues to further act as change agents, in HIV/AIDS programme.
The role of Red Ribbon Clubs is to:-
- Educate youth with correct, concise and adequate information and heighten their level of awareness about HIV/AIDS/STI/sexuality and other related issues. In further clearer words to eliminate myths and misconceptions about the same.
- Enable Youth, especially the female students, to identify and understand situations of exploitation and abuse.
- Increase the access of Youth to health care services related to HIV/AIDS/STI/Drug use.
- Involve Youth in activities done and planned by RRCs, channelizing their energy in the right and positive direction.
Adolescent Education Programme
Adolescent Education Programme is being implemented in 6057 Middle,High & Senior Secondary Schools with joint efforts of Punjab State AIDS Control Society & State Council of Education, Research & Training, Punjab. The aim is to provide accurate and appropriate information on HIV/AIDS and growing up issues to the school going children between the age of 14-19 yrs and to dispel myths and clarify misconceptions of students on health & hygiene.
Further to reinforce the positive behavior and improve the life skills that enable young people to protect themselves. This programme is implemented by using only 16 hours of school time in an academic year in a phase manner covering 6057 Middle, High & Senior Secondary Schools. In these 16 hours curriculum, four classroom sessions are being initiated with following topics.
- Basics of HIV/AIDS & its preventive Measures.
- Growing Up
- Life Skill for HIV Prevention.
- Question Box and Activity Session
Mainstreaming & Social Protection Programme:
- Coordination with different departments for organizing HIV sensitization and testing programmes and to incorporate HIV prevention activities in ongoing activities of the departments.
- Implementation of State Rules on HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control Act 2017 through Ombudsman and Complaint officers.
- Advocacy meetings with different departments for providing social protection to people living with HIV.
- Strengthening linkages of people living with HIV with social welfare schemes through ART centres and social protection camps.
- Community system strengthening through community networks.