Guiding Principles NACP-III

The goal, objectives and strategies of NACP-III are reflected by the following guiding principles:

  • The unifying credo of Three Ones, i.e., one Agreed Action Framework, one National HIV/AIDS Coordinating Authority and one Agreed National Monitoring and Evaluation System
  • Equity is to be monitored by relevant indicators in both prevention and impact mitigation strategies i.e. percentage of people accessing services disaggregated by age and gender
  • Respect for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), as it contributes most positively to prevention and control efforts. NACP-III has evolved mechanisms to address human rights and ethics issues concerning HIV/AIDS. Particular focus is on the fundamental rights of PLHA and their active involvement as important partners in prevention, care, support and treatment initiatives
  • Civil society representation and participation in the planning and implementation of NACP-III is essential for promoting social ownership and community involvement
  • Creation of an enabling environment wherein those infected and affected by HIV can lead a life of dignity. This is the cornerstone of all interventions
  • Provide universal access to HIV prevention, care, support and treatment services
  • For making the implementation mechanism more responsive, proactive and dynamic, the HRD strategy of NACO and SACS is based on qualification, competence, commitment and continuity

Strategic and programme interventions are to be evidence-based and result oriented with scope for innovations and flexibility. Priority is accorded to specific local contexts.

Updated On: 10/11/2024 - 15:01