
Punjab State AIDS Control Society (PSACS) was registered in 1998 for implementing National AIDS Control Programme (NACP). NACP is a 100% centrally sponsored project. PSACS started functioning in 1999. Principal Secretary Health is the Chairman of the Society whereas Secretary Health has been designated as Project Director of the society. Additional Project Director is the technical head assisted by Joint Directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors, other officers and supporting staff.

  • NACP I (1992-1999) : The first phase of National AIDS Control Programme (NACP-I), was implemented between 1992 and 1999, with an objective to combat the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) infection and Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in the initial stage itself. The first phase focused on awareness generation, setting up surveillance systems for monitoring the HIV epidemic, taking measures to ensure access to safe blood and preventive services for high risk group populations.
  • NACP II (1999-2006): The second phase of the programme, NACP II was launched towards the end of 1999 with two key objectives: 1) To reduce the spread of HIV infection in India; 2)To increase the country’s capacity to respond to HIV/ AIDS over time. The programme were considerably scaled up during NACP II including: i) interventions targeted among commercial FSWs, MSM, TG and IDU to facilitate changes in behaviors; ii) increased number of licensed blood banks and establishment of National Blood Policy; and iii) strengthening of the HIV sentinel surveillance.

Under NACP II the use of society model for state level implementation was institutionalized, and State AIDS Control Societies (SACS) were registered for effective programme management.

  • NACP III (2007-2013): NACP phase III, launched in July 2007, aimed at “Halting and reversing the epidemic” before the end of the project period. The programme became well-evolved and grounded on strong policies, programmes, with extensive operational guidelines, rules and norms. During NACP III prevention efforts among HRG and general population were scaled up and integrated with care, support and treatment (CST) services. Strategic Information Management and Institutional strengthening activities were taken up to provide the required technical, managerial and administrative support for implementation at the national, state and district levels. State Training and Resource Centres (STRC) were set up to help state implementation units and functionaries. The decentralization process started under NACP II was further strengthened to better reach populations at the district and sub-district levels through District AIDS Prevention and Control Units (DAPCUs). NACPIII explicitly institutionalized an evidence-based programming approach, and created a Strategic Information Management Unit (SIMU).Technical Support Units (TSUs) were also established at the national and state levels to strengthen the technical capacity and programme monitoring.



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Updated On: 10/11/2024 - 15:01