बेसिक सर्विसेज डिवीजन


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Established ICTCs under Basic Service Division
Stand Alone ICTCs in PHIs 112
Stand Alone ICTCs in PPP 2
Stand Alone Mobile ICTC 1
Facility Integrated ICTCs 208
Total 384

Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre is a place where a person is tested and counseled for HIV, on his own free will or as advised by a Medical Practitioner.

ICTC is a single window for the following services:

  • Increasing awareness about HIV/AIDS and its modes of transmission
  • Strengthening prevention and facilitating behaviour change
  • Counsel HIV negative clients to remain negative life- long and HIV Positive to prevent the further spread of HIV as well as access continuum of care services
  • Provide psychosocial support through referral to social peer support through District level networks
  • Identifying the need of PLHIV requiring Opportunistic Infection prophylaxis and access to ART
  • Reduce parent to child transmission of HIV
  • Screen for TB symptoms and refer patients for diagnosis and treatment
  • Facilitate early management of HIV related infections and STIs
  • Screening for Syphilis
संशोधित किया गया: 12/06/2017 - 10:49