ਬਲੱਡ ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਿਊਜ਼ਨ ਸਰਵਿਸਿਜ਼


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Access to safe blood is mandated by law, and is the primary responsibility of National AIDS Control Organization(NACO). The specific objective of the "Blood Transfusion Services"-(BTS) is to have access to safe and quality blood and blood components through network of 101 Blood Banks (45 NACO supported blood banks/Govt., 5 Military, 51 Private) which includes 42 Blood Component Separation Units.

It is mandatory to issue blood & its components after screening each unit of blood for HIV, Hepatitis-B & C virus, Syphilis and Malaria in accordance with Drugs & Cosmetics Act. There are 42 authorized Blood Storage Centres in various FRUs of the State in order to have access to safe and quality blood. All NACO supported Blood Banks (45) are on-line which include citizen charter facilitating the information of availability of blood & its components group wise and also linked with National Health Portal (Govt. of India).

Updated On: 12/01/2017 - 11:28